More than Simply me

Often while sitting in leisurely contemplation,
My mind travels to exotic locations,
Where time and space have no limitations,
And people are greater than their own expectations.

On a lazy day, when there’s nothing to do,
I started thinking of something weird and new,
I wondered about my sense of self worth,
And what I could have been in a previous birth.

I think I could’ve been a regal queen,
With subjects to rule and a kingdom serene,
Where my word would be absolute law,
And nobody could point out my any flaw.

In one birth I should like to think,
I could have written the ‘Lord of the rings’,
I may have been a famous writer,
And transported readers to a world another.

Who knows if I would be a rocket mascot,
And tour the milky-way as an astronaut
I may even have donned a bulky space suit,
And enjoy the peace where everything’s mute.

Imagine If I was good ole Adam,
The very first man on the planet,
Who invited the wrath of God almighty,
And was stranded here without his divinity.

Thankfully we all can see,
That I am completely ordinary,
Striving and working everyday towards,
Being more of someone, than simply me.

 -Kiran K


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