Rambles of a confused mind

Written on a log somewhere, floating in a river in lazy circles were words that confused me. Stamped to the forefront of my memory, they are haunting words. Are they true, I want to know? And if they are, why wasn't I told of them years ago. At a time when their existence and such blatant acknowledgement would've served me well? Why weren't these pearls of wisdom revealed to me when the collective consciousness of a whole generation couldve been changed?


Why now?

Often I ponder in moments of silence, if my path would've curved differently, had the words been drilled into my head since childhood? Would I have made the same choices? The same mistakes? And if what they say is true, and if your failures make you who you are, wouldn't I be a different person today? But would it have been a good person? Or someone as confused as I am?

Would I have made different choices?

Fought less? Smiled more?

Who cares about smiles anyway! Millions of people walk by each other everyday. Yet few smile in greeting or even acknowledgement. In fact, a grinning man walking through the bridges of a train station has higher chances of being put behind bars for being odd than receive reciprocating smiles.

Sigh! Humanity, with its suddenly stunted evolution has never before had a brighter future.

Or a bleaker one.

Somebody taps me on the shoulder, I forget my reverie, too consumed by other things. Supposedly important things.

I don't know for sure anymore. Everything is topsy turvy.

Ever since those words.

'You never end up with the same set of people as you start out.' 


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