
I have three very talented friends on Facebook who take some really amazing pictures. I've decided to dedicate the next three entries to them. Just an acknowledgement of their sheer genius, and an amalgamation of our talents.

Photographer, Richita Aswani

Rajeev's hands clenched on the steering wheel. His knuckles stood out, white against tanned skin, lightly dusted with black hair. The radio jockey, a very chirpy female continued to ramble on about the latest movie release. His lips tightened in displeasure. The annoyingly chirpy voice was going to give him a headache. With a soft swear, he turned the blasted thing off.

The car was suddenly silent. For one blessed moment he thought that he would be able to finish the ride that way. But that hope was dashed.

His passenger hiccuped.

Then sniffled.

And then blew her nose.


He blew out a breath of frustration. If it were upto him, Gunjan would never step foot inside the house of the creep she called her boyfriend. If it were upto him, she would realize the extent of her boyfriend's creepiness and stay the hell away from him. If it were upto him he would creep the guy out with some fist action.

"You have the look of a murderer on your face."

He sighed. "Yeah well, I'm in a murdering kindda mood right now."

"Why? Nothing happened."

He turned to study her profile. She had swollen eyes and a runny nose. Her hands still clutched her stomach in a give away pose of self protection. Her hair was messed up and she still had a nasty bruise on her wrist. That was where the low life had touched her. His jaw hardened painfully. "I swear I'm going to kill him."

She winced, placing a calm hand on his arm. "You have to chill dude."

"Don't talk to me that way," he warned. "I'm running on a very short fuse here."

She pouted. "Please don't be angry. I had no idea he was so kinky."

His eyes widened in incredulity. "What?!"

She shrugged. "Well yeah. I thought he was all teddy bears and roses. I had no idea he was into public making out."

"Which is besides the point. You were led to a make out party despite the fact that you said no. Your rejection fell on deaf ears. On top of that he left you alone at that party when you refused to do what he said." His hands clenched tighter. "I swear if I weren't driving you home right now I would be driving my fist into his face."

"Yeah, I know." she muttered. Her hands unwrapped themselves and she began fidgeting with the AC controls. "I should have never agreed to go out with him."

"Damn right you shouldn't have," he shouted again.

Her spine stiffened. "Hey, its not like you've never made mistakes. And who are you to judge me?"

He felt a film of red explode before his eyes. He pulled over to the side of the road, not wanting to risk running someone over in his anger. He turned the ignition off, pocketing the key before turning towards her.

She had a mutinous expression on her face, her shoulders back, arms crossed. "What? Cat got your tongue?"

God he hated her.

Except he didn't.

"I warned you. Did I not warn you?"

"Yeah you did, so?"

"So I warned you that your boyfriend-"

"Ex boyfriend," she interrupted, poking him in the chest with a long slim finger. "My ex boyfriend. History!"

"Whatever. I told you he was weird. I told you he was a player. But did you listen?"
She opened her mouth to answer, but he continued. "No you did not listen. You ignored my advise and dated him. And HE took you to a make out party. What if you didn't call me in time? What then?"

She slapped him. Hard.

His eyes narrowed.

She gasped. "Oh! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Her hands began shaking. "I don't know what I was thinking. The only reason I was even dating him was to make you jealous. To get you to notice me. But then it became an ego thing and then, just......." She broke into new sobs. "I'm so sorry. I can only imagine what could've happened today. Gosh!" She buried her face in her hands.

His mind was blank.

She liked him? Had only dated the jerk to get to him?

And suddenly, he was grinning. His black mood brightened, just like that.

"Have you learnt your lesson?" he asked.

Her sobs stopped. She peered at him. "Yeah?"

"You're alright? Not harmed?"

"No." she shook her head. "Please don't be angry."

"I'm not angry. I was just very worried."

"Yeah." She turned to stare outside the window. He hid a smile. After years of tip toeing around each other, she had finally given him a window to her soul. A small opportunity that he was never going to let go of. This woman was his. "You're not going to tell mom, are you?"

He smiled.


  1. thanks riddhi....if u guys wanna check out more of my pics here is a link...

  2. riddhi!! what insight woman!!! i love it! i love how you depicted a whole story out of a picture and i can see it too! wrong career woman! lol

  3. lolz prachi, you are just too darn adora. thankies.


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