Conversations in the mist

Part 3
I have three very talented friends on Facebook who take some really amazing pictures. I've decided to dedicate the next three entries to them. Just an acknowledgement of their sheer genius, and an amalgamation of our talents.

Photographer; Parth Thakkar

The early morning smog lingered in the air. A decided nip forced people to put on their shawls. Clutching steaming cups of tea, two men contemplated a matter of serious ramifications. The steam from their cups rose in lazy tendrils. The people on the street gave them a wide berth, rushing towards whatever work they considered more important than the small things in life.

"So," he said, his breath chilling in the air, "Did you hear that Osama died?"

The other man frowned in confusion. "Obama?"

"no Osama," he corrected.

"Right," he nodded. "Obama."

"no no." He shook his head. "Osama."

"not Obama?"


His frown intensified. "Whats the difference?"

"Osama was the Afghani militant. He was held responsile for the attack of 9/11 in America."

"Ok. And the other one?"

"Obama is the President of America."

"So Osama died?" he asked again, just making it sure in his mind.


"not Obama?"


He nodded, taking a lazy sip of his tea.

A moment of companionable silence later, "How does this affect out lives?"

The one man smiled ironically. "It doesn't. Our lives are still cheap."

"Hmmm...." agreed the other man.

"Cheaper than Qasab's for sure."



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