
25 things that I've learnt in my 25 years on this earth

1. With age comes age, with wisdom comes wisdom. One has nothing to do with the other. 

2. Envy transforms you into a hamster on a wheel. Running but not getting anywhere.Save your energy, aim to achieve your own goals. 

3. A few good soldiers are better than an army. Value your true friends, don't collect them.

4. Thinking of 'what ifs' is like getting psyched about the rollercoaster but never getting on. Shoulda, woulda, coulda- eh!

5. Family is important.They're the only ones that have seen you with runny noses and know your quirks and love you despite them.

6.Special people enter your life very rarely.Hold onto them with both hands. Ego is not worth losing them over. 

7. You're the heroine/hero of your story. Stop paying attention to the noisy extra's and make your story a good one.

8. You always have a choice. Always.

9. Happiness is always shining through the clouds. You only have to look a little more closely. 

10. Everyone is cool in their unique weird way. You just gotta give them a chance.

11. You have the ability to bounce back from any set back. Snakes are always followed by ladders.

12. There is a very delicate balance between self-respect and being egotistical. Awareness thereof is paramount.

13. 'Just keep swimming'.

14. Welcome new experiences. If we were meant to be stuck in a rut, there'd be no opposable thumbs.

15. Life choices are often rhetorical questions. While receiving or giving advise, the answers are often known to both parties.

16. You don't like where you are? Change it. 'You are not a tree'.

17. It takes too much effort to hate your enemies. Save the energy and apply elsewhere. If you can't forget, ignore.

18. Find reasons to be happy. Laugh lines are better than frown lines.

19. We have only one planet and as far as we conclusively know,only one life. Live, love, laugh :: reuse, reduce, recycle.

20. Persistence leads to perfection.

21. Owing money to friends is a slippery slope that only eventually leads to chaos. Avoid.

22. Your true friend is like a mirror that will ping annoyingly when you're sprouting nonsense. Hold onto those.

23. When you don't know something, you don't know it. Period. Stop trying to be that guy from the economic times ad.

24. The secret to maintaining relationships is the willingness to maintain them.

25. Read.

Hallmark Cards- I'm open to writing for you. ;) :P


  1. i can bet if you had written 25 points 10 years back, there would have been an altogether different story; and the same if you compare after 10 years. :)


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